Why would you consider JetBlue the next time you fly?

Principal Investigator:
Miriam Atlixqueno

Kevin Estrella, Landry Roseme

Faculty Advisor:
Min-chung Han

JetBlue's is one of the best airlines out there. JetBlue offer a variety of different things that other airlines do not unfortunately provide. Due to their marketing team, they are not being talked of as much out there. That could easily be fixed by promoting it on different apps like Instagram, Facebook or TikTok. JetBlue has a lot of benefits such as free Wi-Fi on airlines, excellent seating quality and comfort. Our marketing agency can help improve them to market themselves more on Tik Tok which is the trendiest and most popular app right now. JetBlue can interest the younger generation so make JetBlue their top choice to when they are flying. Our marketing agency will triple their sales if they market themselves more on Tik Tok. This would be done by creating 1 minute videos of what Jetblue offers and even promoting videos with popular people or celebrities. Not only do you have their benefits but other companies that they are affilliated with.


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