The Rise of Veteran Suicides

Principal Investigator:
Katie Grogan

Faculty Advisor:
Ibtihal Al Makhzoomy

Background: Studies have been led to evaluate and conduct analyses regarding suicide deaths amongst military veterans compared to civilians. Quantitative and qualitative data has been collected and studied to determine evidence-based practice approaches in efforts to mitigate the rising statistical data with military deaths caused by suicide. This research presentation is a comprehensive review of literature from both types of studies and summarizes the data found within research studies on the topic of suicide in the military.

Purpose/Aim: To bring more awareness to military suicides and the impact of mental health on service members

PICOT: In military veterans experiencing mental health conditions, what is the effect of providing resources to military members compared to civilians, within one year of discharge?

Methods: database research through PubMed, EBSCO, JSTOR, CINAHL, PsycINFO

Results/Conclusions: Research studies have been concluded and continue to seek further studies that use methods to provide research on the exploration of veteran suicide. It is imperative that appropriate tools for learning about mental health conditions are at the forefront of research to allow individual researchers to better understand suicidal individuals. The current state of this public health dilemma shows the significant need for efforts to reduce military suicides and veteran transitional difficulties through the implementation of services. Mental and behavioral health screenings are becoming a standard before discharge. The goal of this is for early detection of behavioral health problems and prevention of difficulties as military members transition to veteran status. Studies to better determine physiological pain and reduce connectedness during re-integration from military to civilian life is imperative to reducing the number of suicides from occurring.

Keywords: suicides, military deaths, suicide prevention, civilian suicide, and veteran discharges


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