AI Enhanced Gaming Experience

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Luis Miguel Velazquez Rodriguez

Abijith Manikandan

The Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics, and Technology

Computer Science

Faculty Research Advisor(s):
Yulia Kumar, J. Jenny Li

The integration of AI in gaming is set to redefine user interaction by personalizing experiences through OpenAI's advanced ChatGPT-4+ and the innovative image generator DALL-E 3. This venture will lead the way in creating an adaptive gaming environment tailored to individual tastes and imaginative inputs. It enables players to immerse themselves in various thematic worlds, from festive Christmas scenes to spooky Halloween adventures, or even motifs inspired by beloved films. Additionally, players can craft unique experiences in their language, supported by a robust API. ChatGPT and DALL-E 3 will operate behind the scenes, interpreting player choices to customize game elements dynamically. As ChatGPT evolves, it becomes increasingly adept at processing complex user requests, positioning it as an ideal cornerstone for this pioneering project. With its seamless integration, gamers can anticipate unparalleled levels of immersion and customization, ushering in a new era of interactive entertainment that blurs the lines between reality and virtual worlds.


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